
Data store and GraphQL

Data from source plugins are stored in an internal data store. You can use GraphQL to access that data in your pages, templates or any other Vue component in your project. GraphQL is a declarative query language especially useful for retrieving only the data you ask for. Which again will result in smaller bundles.

Usage in a pages or templates

Start by adding a top-level <page-query> block in your Vue component. Then write a query inside it. The results will be available as a $page object in your templates.

Read more about importing data or the Data Store API

    <h1>{{ $ }}</h1>

query {
  post(id: "1") {

Read more about querying data in pages or templates

Usage in any component

<page-query> only works for pages and templates. But you can use a <static-query> block to retrieve data in any other component. The results will be available as a $static object in your templates.

    <h1>{{ $ }}</h1>

query {
  post(id: "1") {

Read more about querying data in components

Pages and page context

Every page that is created programmatically can have its own context with any data. The page context will be available as a $context object in your templates.

    <h1>{{ $context.title }}</h1>

Read more about the Pages API

Local JSON and YAML files

Gridsome includes webpack loaders for importing JSON and YAML files into your components.

    <h1>{{ myData.title }}</h1>

import myData from '~/data/my-data.yaml'

export default {
  data () {
    return {

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